Quality and Innovation Network
- NHPCO is committed to building provider capacity to ensure access to high quality hospice and palliative care for patients, families, and interdisciplinary professionals. The Quality Innovation Network represents a community of providers who share a commitment to establishing a culture of quality within their organizations. By facilitating collaboration across organizations nationwide, the Quality Innovation Network supports sharing best practices and innovative solutions to the common challenges that many hospice and palliative providers face.
- Members of the QIN will gather for monthly virtual working sessions to discuss their current performance improvement initiatives with members of the NHPCO Quality team and colleagues nationwide. In addition, NHPCO will facilitate connections between organizations focusing on similar challenges to allow them to engage offline. Archived performance improvement project resources will be available to member organizations for use in planning future initiatives.
- NHPCO is committed to providing timely and relevant resources that ensure continuous learning for member organizations. Toward that end, NHPCO reserves the right to use content from performance improvement projects, poster abstracts, and other submitted content to contribute to the establishment of this learning community.
For more information on the QIN, please reach out to quality@nhpco.org.
Performance Improvement Project library
The projects listed below have been completed by members of the Quality and Innovation Network and additional members of the NHPCO Quality community. The purpose of publishing this list of initiatives is to allow members of the quality community to connect over shared projects and challenges. To protect sensitive data, NHPCO is unable to publish project details publicly, but if you are interested in learning more about any of these initiatives please contact quality@nhpco.org and we will be happy to connect you with the relevant organization.
Administrative Operations | Clinical Operations | Documentation and Plan of Care Compliance | Family/Caregiver Satisfaction | Finance and Growth | Hospice Visits in Last Days of Life | Infection Control | Medication Safety | Patient and Caregiver Safety | Reducing Hospitalizations | Poster Presentations | Other
Administrative Operations
Clinical Operations
Documentation and Plan of Care Compliance
Family/Caregiver Satisfaction
Finance and growth
Hospice Visits in Last Days of Life
Infection Control
Medication Safety
Patient and Caregiver Safety
Reducing Hospitalizations
NHPCO facilitates virtual poster sessions with a focus on quality and performance improvement (PI) in tandem with our educational conferences.
Poster PowerPoint slides and project summaries for all submissions and poster winners in each category can be accessed via the following categories:
- Improving Timely Care Performance
- Meaningful and Compliant Care Planning
- Car Tote Program
- Hospice Family Advisory Council
- Improving CAHPS Bereavement Survey Scores
- Incident Command: A Virtual Approach to Safe Operations In Crisis
- Increasing Length of Stay Awareness and Enhancing Discharge Planning in Hospice Care Centers
- Modernizing Opioid Management
- Preventable Hospice Billing Errors A Clinical and Compliance Improvement Initiative
- Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
- ACP Outreach to the Chinese Community