Today, July 1, 2024, is the first day of the NAHC-NHPCO Alliance. While the two organizations will continue to operate separately in some areas until the end of the year, they are now governed by a single body, the Transition Board, which held its inaugural meeting last week. The meeting served as an important opportunity for members to get to know each other better and to establish the working relationships that will guide the Alliance into the future.

“This is an important step in the process of transitioning from our fiduciary duties as governing bodies of NAHC and NHPCO respectively, to a singular focus on our duties of care, obedience and loyalty to what is now the merged entity,” said Alliance Transition Board Chair Ken Albert. “From July 1 on, we are NAHC-NHPCO Alliance (soon to be named). Though the integration process for operations will continue for the remainder of the year, this board meeting marks an important point in the history of our new organization: The completion of the governance integration process.  While work remains to stand up board committees; complete the CEO search; finalize branding initiatives; and support the combined staff as they operationalize the comprehensive integration work plan, we will do so as a unified governing body committed to the new mission and vision. I walked away from our first meeting with complete confidence in our future success.”

“It was great to meet with all my transition board colleagues, to get to know each other better and establish to strong working relationships we will need to make the NAHC-NHPCO Alliance a success for our members and the millions of Americans they serve,” said Alliance Transition Board Vice Chair Melinda Gruber. “NAHC and NHPCO worked well together in recent years on important research and advocacy and this is the natural next step in creating the NAHC-NHPCO Alliance. The care at home community of providers is stronger today than ever and the Alliance will ensure it grows only stronger in the future.”

Until the Alliance hires a new CEO, Bill Dombi and Ben Marcantonio will be acting as co-CEOs of the organization, and will be closely consulting with each other on all important matters.

Below is a full list of attendees at the Transition Board meeting.

Kenneth Albert
David Causby
Trisha Crissman
Melinda Gruber
Vice Chair
Demetress Harrell
Susan D. Lloyd
Tarrah Lowry
Christine McMichael
Mark Morse
Mary Myers
John Olajide
Robert ‘Bob’ Parker
Susan Ponder-Stansel
Sara Ratcliffe
Lynne Sexten
Jennifer Sheets
William Simione, III
Beth Slepian
David Totaro
Nick Westfall

NAHC/NHPCO Staff Present: Bill Dombi, Ben Marcantonio, Andrea Devoti, Raul Suarez, Shirnae Johnson

Two members of the McKinley staff also attended the meeting.