Remembering Hospice Congressional Champion, Representative Walorski 

For Immediate Release
August 3, 2022 

Alexandria, VA – It is with deep sadness that the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and Hospice Action Network (HAN) learned of the tragic death of Representative Jackie Walorski (IN-2) in a car accident that killed four people including two members of her team. 

Representative Walorski was a strong champion for hospice care who played an instrumental role in supporting and passing the Rural Access to Hospice Act as a lead sponsor. She was honored in 2020 with a Hospice Action Network Angel Award which recognizes members of Congress who use their platform to support the vital mission of hospice and palliative care and amplify the voices of patients facing serious and terminal illness.  

“Representative Walorski was a friend of hospice and longtime advocate for access to end-of-life care, particularly for those living in rural areas. NHPCO and HAN have been honored to work with her over the years. Her leadership and voice will be sorely missed,” said Ben Marcantonio, Interim President and CEO of NHPCO and President of HAN.  


Press Contact:
Madison Summers
NHPCO Communications
Ph: 571-412-3973

NHPCO and HAN Comment on Final FY23 Hospice Wage Index and Quality Reporting Rule

For Immediate Release:
July 27, 2022

Alexandria, VA – Today the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) posted for public inspection the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) Hospice Wage Index and Payment Rate Update and Hospice Quality Reporting Requirements Final Rule. The final rule includes a payment increase of 3.8% for FY23, representing a slight increase from the proposed rule, along with other key updates to the hospice regulatory framework related to payments, quality, and equitable access.

“After weeks of advocacy efforts, today is a step in the right direction to meet the needs of our hospice and palliative care providers. However, the CMS rates for FY23 still do not accurately reflect the reality of higher gas prices, unrelenting labor shortages, and additional pandemic-related expenses that hospice providers and programs are facing across the country. We call on the Biden Administration and Congress to step in to provide additional reimbursements in 2023 which accurately reflect the unprecedented demands and costs providers are facing in order to ensure long-term viability for the hospice and palliative care that Americans want and deserve,” said Ben Marcantonio, Interim President and CEO of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and President of the Hospice Action Network (HAN).

NHPCO and its advocacy affiliate, HAN, will continue to work with Congressional champions and members on key committees to protect hospice and other providers from further financial hits during this ongoing public health emergency. NHPCO members will have access to detailed analysis of the FY23 Final Rule via the Regulatory & Compliance Center on


Press Contact:
Madison Summers
NHPCO Communications
Ph: 571-412-3973

NHPCO and HAN Urge Congress to Protect Access to High-Quality Hospice Care

For Immediate Release:
July 12, 2022

(Alexandria, VA) – Today, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and Hospice Action Network (HAN) led a letter to Congress, joined by organizations representing a broad coalition of the hospice and palliative care community. The letter requests protection of access to high-quality hospice care for Medicare beneficiaries by calling on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to make changes to the proposed payment rate increase for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). A more sufficient rate would reflect the unprecedented demands and costs that hospice providers and programs are facing across the country.

CMS released its FY23 Hospice Wage Index and Payment Rate Update and Hospice Quality Reporting Requirements proposed rule, which proposes updates to the hospice wage index, payment rates, and aggregate cap amount for the coming fiscal year. For the hospice payment update percentage, CMS proposed an increase of 2.7% from FY2022.

“The purpose of a payment update is to ensure hospice providers are fairly and adequately reimbursed for the critical services they provide to individuals with life-limiting illnesses based on the cost of providing those services. Unfortunately, CMS’ recent update ignores the reality on the ground; higher gas prices, unrelenting labor shortages, increased wages, and additional pandemic-related expenses. We need the Biden Administration and Congress to step in and fix this wrong. Failing to do so would be a mistake,” said NHPCO Director of Legislative Affairs, Logan Hoover.

To read the full letter, click here

Be a Hospice Advocate: Urge your Members of Congress to protect access to end-of-life care by calling on CMS to provide a more sufficient hospice payment rate increase. Hospice Action Network’s Legislative Action Center makes it easy to take action.

About NHPCO and HAN: NHPCO and the Hospice Action Network (HAN) – work closely together to make an impact. NHPCO sets the public policy agenda through its Legislative Affairs Committee. HAN implements the agenda through direct lobbying, grassroots advocacy, and by empowering Hospice Advocates to share their hospice story with Congress. Our mission at HAN is to advocate, with one voice, for policies that ensure the best care for patients and families facing serious illness and the end of life.  


Press Contact:
Madison Summers
NHPCO Communications
Ph: 571-412-3973

Edo Banach Stepping Down from NHPCO Leadership Role

For Immediate Release
June 17, 2022

After five years as the President & CEO of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), Edo Banach has decided to step down from that role at the end of August.

Norman McRae, Chair of the NHPCO Board of Directors, said, “Edo came to NHPCO with the skills and expertise needed at a time of transition in the hospice and palliative care community and in the direction of NHPCO and our advocacy affiliate, the Hospice Action Network. For five years he poured his heart and soul into this organization. His leadership has helped us professionalize key elements of the benefits we provide to the community, most notably our best-in-class advocacy operations. During his tenure, NHPCO’s financial position has improved greatly, despite the tremendous challenges of the last two years. We are grateful to Edo for his leadership. His work has positioned NHPCO to continue to succeed into the future on behalf of our members and the entire hospice and palliative care community.”

Banach said, “My time with NHPCO has been one of the most fulfilling chapters of my career. Over the last five years, NHPCO has delivered on the promise to provide our members with the best possible resources, networking, education, and advocacy to advance their organizations, their careers, and the interests of the hospice and palliative community. I am proud of that work, I look forward to my next challenge, and I’ll remain a cheerleader for NHPCO.”

McRae continued, “The NHPCO Board of Directors will use this summer to work with Edo and the NHPCO Leadership Team to plan for a smooth transition as we work with a national search firm to hire the organization’s next President & CEO. During the search, Ben Marcantonio, NHPCO’s COO will serve as interim President & CEO. Ben has more than 20 years of hospice and palliative care experience, including nine years of executive leadership with providers on both the east and west coasts.”


Caleb Tiller 
Ph: 571-412-4032 

Leading Hospice and Palliative Care Organizations Laud Introduction of PCHETA

For Immediate Release:
May 19, 2022

Bill Would Invest in Palliative and Hospice Care Research and Education

(Alexandria, Va) – The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and its advocacy affiliate, the Hospice Action Network (HAN), welcomed the introduction of the Palliative Care & Hospice Education Training Act (PCHETA) today in the Senate. The bill, introduced as S. 4260 and cosponsored by Senators Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin and Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, would support research and education to develop hospice and palliative care medicine.  

“Senators Baldwin and Capito understand that palliative and hospice care are essential components of the American healthcare system and worth investing in,” said Edo Banach, NHPCO president & CEO, and HAN president. “Like other parts of the healthcare sector, hospice and palliative care providers are in the midst of a long-term staffing crisis that got dramatically worse during the COVID-19 pandemic. PCHETA offers an important first step toward ensuring that we are developing the hospice and palliative care workforce of tomorrow, so we can continue offering the interdisciplinary, patient-centered, serious-illness and end-of-life care that Americans deserve.”   

Estimates indicate that without additional investments, the palliative care and hospice physician workforce will grow a little over one percent in the next 20 years while the number of Americans eligible for these types of care will increase by more than 20 percent. PCHETA would begin addressing this growing gap by supporting relevant research and education programs, including learning centers, fellowships, and academic medicine. 

Banach added, “PCHETA passed the House with more than 280 bipartisan cosponsors in the last two Congresses and was supported by more than 55 Senators – a feat not achieved by many bills anymore. However, despite overwhelming support from both sides, Congress has stalled on passing PCHETA and delayed much-needed investments in our nation’s hospice and palliative care workforce. NHPCO and HAN look forward to the bill’s introduction in the House and to working with our members and with Congress to pass PCHETA this session in order to train more doctors, nurses, and other health professionals in hospice and palliative medicine. At the same time, our country needs to step up to the reality that we are already in a healthcare workforce crisis, and it is going to get worse over the next 10-20 years as the American population continues aging. PCHETA is a down payment. We need a comprehensive plan for addressing this ongoing and growing emergency.” 

Take action: Call on your Senators to invest in the hospice and palliative care workforce by cosponsoring PCHETA. HAN’s Legislative Action Center makes it easy. 

About NHPCO and HAN: NHPCO and the Hospice Action Network (HAN) – work closely together to make an impact. NHPCO sets the public policy agenda through its Legislative Affairs Committee. HAN implements the agenda through direct lobbying, grassroots advocacy, and by empowering Hospice Advocates to share their hospice story with Congress. Our mission at HAN is to advocate, with one voice, for policies that ensure the best care for patients and families facing serious illness and the end of life.  


Caleb Tiller 
Ph: 571-412-4032 

Celebrating National Volunteer Week 2022

For Immediate Release:
April 18, 2022

NHPCO Issues Proclamation Honoring Hospice Volunteers During National Volunteer Week, April 17 – 23, 2022

Volunteers are the Heart of Hospice

(Alexandria, Va) – In recognition of National Volunteer Week (April 17 – 23), the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) has issued the following proclamation to celebrate the contributions and gifts of America’s dedicated hospice volunteers. During the past two years, while the world was coping with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, hospice volunteers remained active helping support staff needs in the office, making calls to patients and team members letting them know they were not forgotten, creating cards and gift baskets to bolster spirits, helping with outreach and fundraisers, and doing what they could within safety guidelines to let patients and families know that they were being thought of and cared for despite the public health emergency.

“Hospice volunteers play an indispensable role in enabling hospice and palliative care organizations to offer the highest-quality care and support possible for the people they serve. By sharing their time, energy, and expertise, volunteers bring compassion and caring to the lives of those in need,” said NHPCO President and CEO Edo Banach.

NHPCO National Volunteer Week Proclamation

Whereas, volunteering is an important activity for millions of Americans throughout the U.S., the compassionate individuals who serve as trained hospice volunteers deserve special recognition during this week of celebration and awareness;

Whereas, these dedicated hospice volunteers give of their time and talent in support of patients and families who are our relatives, friends, and neighbors;

Whereas, these volunteers are essential members of hospice and palliative care teams that care for an estimated 1.55 million hospice patients every year and ensure that they live with hope, dignity, and love despite serious and life-limiting illness;

Whereas, hospice volunteers contribute in creative ways to support health care workers as well as patients and families during this time of a global pandemic;

Whereas, National Volunteer Week provides the opportunity to recognize the contributions of these caring hospice volunteers and raise awareness of the benefits of hospice and palliative care;

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the NHPCO board of directors do hereby proclaim April 17 – 23, 2022 as National Volunteer Week across the U.S. and encourage the support and participation of all citizens in learning more about and participating in the provision of hospice and palliative care to those in our community.

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
Board of Directors
April 17, 2022

Learn more about volunteering for a hospice in your community by reaching out to a local hospice provider or connecting with the We Honor Veterans program. NHPCO’s Find a Provider online tool will help you find a provider in your area. Learn about volunteering with We Honor Veterans.


Jon Radulovic
NHPCO Communications
Ph: 571-412-3973

National Healthcare Decisions Day April 16

For Immediate Release:
April 13, 2022

NHPCO Encourages People to Put Their Needs at the Center on National Healthcare Decisions Day

(Alexandria, Va) – The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) is encouraging Americans to use National Healthcare Decisions Day, April 16, as an opportunity to pause and think about their health care wishes and to take action to make sure their wishes are known, even if they unable to direct their own care.

National Healthcare Decisions Day is recognized each year on April 16 – the day after the date traditionally known as tax day – as a way to engage the American public in conversations that encourage people to think about their own personal wishes for their health care, particularly at the end of life, with the goal of getting people to plan ahead, document those plans, and let loved ones know their wishes.

NHPCO President and CEO, Edo Banach, said, “Hospice and palliative care providers always put patients at the center of the care plan. National Healthcare Decisions Day gives everyone a reminder to do that for themselves: put yourself at the center and think about your own health care wishes. That way, if your loved ones ever need to direct your care, they will know what you want because your voice has already been heard.”

Banach continued, “The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a lot of people into caregiving roles they never imagined for themselves. Making decisions for a loved one who is not able to do it for themselves can be agonizing. Take time now to think through the possible scenarios and make your wishes known to those who care about you most. And remember, we have a lot of resources for caregivers and care planning – including Advance Directives forms for every U.S. state – on our website.”

Advance care planning includes completing an Advance Directive (also known as a living will) and appointing a Health Care Power of Attorney (someone to make healthcare decisions for you if you are unable to speak for yourself). Then, most importantly, sharing your decisions with your family and loved ones.

NHPCO’s has free resources that include:


Jon Radulovic
Communications Director
Ph: 571-412-3973

NHPCO and HAN Call on Congress to Protect Hospice Medicare Benefits

For Immediate Release:
April 8, 2022

NHPCO and HAN Call on Congress to Protect Hospice Medicare Benefits

(Alexandria, Va) – Today, Congress is leaving town for a two-week vacation without addressing the cuts to hospice. The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and Hospice Action Network (HAN) are voicing their concerns for the hospice provider community.

Due to congressional inaction, a one percent cut to Medicare payments known as sequestration went into effect on April 1 amidst an ongoing Public Health Emergency, a shortage of health care workers, and historic inflation—none of which were accounted for when the sequestration requirement was put into place more than a decade ago. This cut will have a major impact on access to care, especially in rural and underserved communities. This is a direct attack on access to the care that Medicare promises seriously ill beneficiaries.

“Congress found an additional $200 billion dollars to spend above last year’s appropriations, but they ignore the plight of hospices struggling to keep their doors open with skyrocketing inflation and a health worker shortage,” said Edo Banach, president and CEO of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and president of the Hospice Action Network (HAN). “Once again, our seniors and those with life-limiting illnesses get the short end of the stick.”

NHPCO and HAN will continue to work with Congressional champions and Members on key committees to protect hospice and other providers from further financial hits and ensure all Americans have access to quality hospice and palliative care.


Be a Hospice Advocate: Register with the Hospice Action Network’s Legislative Action Center to stay up to date on activity and receive Call to Action Alerts from HAN.

Jon Radulovic
NHPCO Communications
Ph: 571-412-3973

NHPCO and the Hospice Action Network (HAN) – work closely together to make an impact. NHPCO sets the public policy agenda through its Legislative Affairs Committee. The Hospice Action Network implements the agenda through direct lobbying, grassroots advocacy, and by empowering Hospice Advocates to share their hospice story with Congress. Our mission at HAN is to advocate, with one voice, for policies that ensure the best care for patients and families facing serious illness and the end of life.

NHPCO Celebrates Hospice Providers Successfully Earning Quality Connections Rings in 2021

For Immediate Release:
March 16, 2022 (Updated 04/05/22)

249 Hospice Organization Participated in Inaugural Year of Innovative Quality Improvement Program

(Alexandria, Va) – The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) is proud to share the names of member organizations that have earned rings in the inaugural year of its Quality Connections program. Launched by NHPCO in January of 2021, Quality Connections (QC) was designed to enhance the knowledge base, skills, and competency of hospice and palliative care professionals and providers for continuous quality improvement.

QC is structured around four fundamental pillars which are represented by four QC rings: Education, Application, Measurement, and Innovation.

“To simply say that a hospice organization is interested in quality is not enough. A hospice must demonstrate its commitment to patient- and family-centered care with measurable results and outcomes. One of the most effective ways to do this is through active participation in NHPCO’s Quality Connections,” said NHPCO President and CEO Edo Banach.  “As we share the results from the first year of Quality Connections, we are able to shine a light on hospice organizations that have made significant strides in improving their quality of care. This matters to patients, families, payers, and providers, and I congratulate the providers that participated.”

Of the hospice organizations that embarked on a continuous quality improvement journey last year, 116 programs earned rings reflecting their success in Quality Connections. Among those programs, 27 hospices have the distinction of achieving the top levels of earning three or four rings.

NHPCO salutes all the hospice programs that worked to demonstrate an organizational wide commitment to quality.

Earning Four Rings

      • Bluegrass Care Navigators
      • BridgingLife Hospice
      • BSA Hospice of the Southwest
      • Calvert Hospice, Inc.
      • Caring Circle
      • Delaware Hospice, Inc. – Delaware Office
      • Heart’s Way Hospice
      • HoriSun Hospice, Inc.
      • Hospice & Palliative Care Buffalo, Inc.
      • Lightways Hospice and Serious Illness Care (formerly Joliet Area Community Hospice)
      • Partners In Home Care-Hospice
      • St. Croix Hospice
      • UnityPoint Hospice, Cedar Rapids
      • UnityPoint Hospice, Central Iowa
      • UnityPoint Hospice, Fort Dodge
      • UnityPoint Hospice, Quad Cities
      • UnityPoint Hospice, Waterloo

Earning Three Rings

      • Caris Healthcare Hospice
      • Center for Hospice Care
      • Centra Hospice Farmville
      • Circle of Life Hospice
      • Hope Healthcare
      • Hospice of Hilo dba Hawaii Care Choices
      • Hospice of Humboldt
      • Hospice of the Chesapeake
      • Hospice of the Northwest
      • MJHS Hospice and Palliative Care Program
      • Serenity Hospice and Home
      • UnityPoint at Home
      • UnityPoint Hospice
      • VITAS Healthcare
      • VITAS Healthcare Chicago South

Earning Two Rings

      • Agape Hospice Services
      • Avow Hospice
      • Columbus Hospice of Georgia and Alabama
      • Goodwin House Palliative Care and Hospice
      • Harbor Hospice
      • Heart’s Way Hospice
      • Hospice & Community Care
      • Hospice of Huntington
      • Hospice of Jackson County, Inc.
      • Hospice of North Central Florida, Inc
      • Hospice of Southern West Virginia, Inc.
      • Hospice of St. Mary\’s
      • Hospice of the Ozarks
      • Hospice of the Panhandle
      • Hospice of West Tennessee
      • Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice (Northwest New Jersey)
      • Lakeland Area Hospice
      • Meadowlark Hospice
      • Providence Hospice and Palliative Care (East)
      • Providence Hospice of Seattle
      • Providence St. Joseph Health – Home and Community Services
      • Sangre De Cristo Community Care
      • Suncoast Hospice
      • Tabitha Hospice
      • The Denver Hospice
      • Transitions LifeCare
      • Treasure Coast Hospice
      • Trellis Supportive Care
      • VNA Hospice and Palliative Care of Southern California

Earning One Ring

      • Arizona Care Hospice
      • Arkansas Valley Hospice, Inc.
      • Bristol Hospice, LLC
      • Care Partners
      • CareFirst
      • Carris Health-Rice Hospice
      • Casa De La Luz Hospice
      • Center for Hospice Care
      • Centra Hospice of the Hills
      • CentraCare Hospice
      • Community Hospice
      • Community Hospice Care
      • Community Hospice Care
      • East End Hospice
      • Endless Journey, LLC
      • Faith Hospice
      • Franciscan Hospice Care
      • Freedom Hospice
      • Goodwin House Palliative Care and Hospice
      • Grace Hospice – Marysville
      • Gulfside Healthcare Services Inc.
      • Harbor Hospice
      • Harmony Hospice of Tucson
      • HealthPartners Hospice & Palliative Care
      • Heartland Home Health & Hospice
      • Heritage Hospice, Inc.
      • High Peaks Hospice & Palliative Care – Mineville
      • High Peaks Hospice & Palliative Care – Mineville
      • Horizon Hospice LLC
      • Hospice & Community Care
      • Hospice & Palliative Care of Iredell County
      • Hospice at Home Arizona
      • Hospice of Douglas County – A Division of Horizon Public Health
      • Hospice of Dubuque
      • Hospice of Health First Inc
      • Hospice of Jackson County, Inc.
      • Hospice of Limestone County
      • Hospice of Limestone County
      • Hospice of Montezuma, Inc.
      • Hospice of North Idaho
      • Hospice of the Red River Valley
      • Hospice of Yuma
      • HospiceCare in The Berkshires, Inc.
      • Housecall Providers Services LLC
      • Inspire Hospice, LLC
      • Interim Hospice of the Twin Cities
      • Intrepid USA Healthcare Services
      • Iowa City Hospice
      • Iowa City Hospice
      • Lakeside Hospice, Inc.
      • Lakeside Hospice, LLC
      • Lehigh Valley Hospice
      • Lumina Hospice & Palliative Care
      • Main Line Health Home Care and Hospice
      • Montgomery Hospice
      • Northern Illinois Hospice
      • NorthShore University HealthSystem Home and Hospice Services
      • Notre Dame Hospice
      • Notre Dame Hospice
      • Oklahoma Hospice & Palliative Care Association
      • Pathways
      • Presbyterian Homes Hospice, Inc.
      • ProCare Hospice of Nevada
      • ProMedica Hospice
      • Providence Hospice & Home Care of Snohomish County
      • Providence Hospice Medford
      • Providence SoundHomeCare and Hospice
      • Providence TrinityCare Hospice
      • Quality Hospice
      • Sea Crest Hospice Services, Inc.
      • Seasons Hospice
      • Serenity Hospice and Home
      • Snowline Hospice
      • Southwest Medical Hospice
      • St. Mary High Desert Hospice (formery Living Care Hospice, Inc.)
      • Talbot Hospice
      • The Elizabeth Hospice
      • Tidewell Hospice, Inc.
      • Topkare Hospice, Inc.
      • Trustbridge, Inc.
      • Upland Hills Health Hospice
      • UVMHN Home Health & Hospice
      • Village Hospice
      • Visiting Nurse Association of NWI
      • VITAS Healthcare Chicago South
      • Willamette Valley Hospice
      • Yolo Hospice

Each Ring has specific activities incorporating practical resources to progressively track and improve both clinical and organizational quality. Activities such as quarterly data reporting and benchmarking, NHPCO’s E-Online courses, peer case studies, and engagement will be part of an organization’s quality journey. Additionally, participants will find activities that are focused on promoting diversity, access, and inclusion within an organization and with the communities they serve.

“For a hospice organization to be activity engaged with continuous quality improvement, commitment throughout the entire organization at all levels of staff is required,” said NHPCO Vice President of Quality Aparna Gupta. “And success should be celebrated at all levels within an organization with the reminder that the benefits are ultimately seen at the bedside of the person at the center of care.”

QC is a benefit of NHPCO provider membership. For organizations that already have an established quality improvement program, Quality Connections can build on and streamline what they already have in place. If a provider needs to enrich their quality improvement efforts, Quality Connections will provide the guidance and resources they need.

It is not too late for NHPCO provider members to enroll in Quality Connections for 2022. Follow the steps in the Quality Connections User Guide to enroll in the program and to start your quality improvement journey.

For their support of the Quality Connections program in 2021, NHPCO thanks its Gold Level Sponsors: Curitec and Optum Hospice Pharmacy Services, and Silver Level Sponsor ADVault, Inc.


Jon Radulovic
NHPCO Communications
Direct: 517-412-3973

To learn more about hospice and palliative care or for information to help people coping with serious illness, please visit NHPCO’s

NHPCO Honors Empath Health’s Rafael Sciullo with Hospice Leadership Award

For Immediate Release:
March 8, 2022

Award Presented During NHPCO’s Leadership and Advocacy Conference

(Alexandria, Va) – In recognition of a lasting legacy of leadership and innovation in the field of hospice and palliative care, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) today honors Rafael J. Sciullo with the Galen Miller Leadership Award. The award will be presented this evening at the Annual Gala of NHPCO’s charitable affiliate, the National Hospice Foundation, which is being held in conjunction with NHPCO’s 2022 Leadership and Advocacy Conference at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center.

Sciullo is a longstanding leader in the hospice community. He currently serves as CEO of Empath Health, a role he assumed in early 2021 with the finalization of the merger of Empath Health and Stratum Health System. He joined Suncoast Hospice, a member of Empath Health, in 2013, as president and CEO. In 2014, he launched Empath Health, an integrated network of care. In the time since he became the organization’s leader, Sciullo has expanded its home health program, overseen the expansion of its HIV/STI and senior care services, and developed new partnerships with other health care and community organizations. Prior to his tenure at Empath Health in Florida, Sciullo was president and CEO of Family Hospice in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

“There is no more important job humans can do for one another than caring for patients at the end of life,” Sciullo says.

Throughout his career, Sciullo has emphasized patient and family care. He believes in staying close to patients and families to know firsthand what’s important to them and understand their needs. He stresses the significance of focus on patients and families with his staff and with the broader hospice community.

He is widely seen as a leader within the hospice community. Sciullo has served as both a Board Member and Board Chair of NHPCO and currently serves as a Board Member for NHPCO’s advocacy affiliate, the Hospice Action Network (HAN). Additionally, Sciullo received NHPCO’s Founder Award in 2004.

“For many years, professionals throughout our field have learned from Rafael Sciullo with regards to organizational excellence, quality of care, the value of the interdisciplinary team in providing person-centered care, and the importance of our community speaking with one voice on legislative and policy issues that affect patient care,” said NHPCO President and CEO Edo Banach. “His insight and expertise are unparalleled and his willingness to share with others for the benefit of all have made a tremendous contribution to the provider community. Not only is he recognized for his attention to detail and fiscal responsibility, but he has always put people at the center of care and been a passionate advocate for the patient and family.”

Rafael Sciullo receives the Galen Miller Leadership Award from Edo Banach.

The Galen Miller Leadership Award was created in 2014 to honor the memory of Dr. Galen Miller, who served as NHPCO Executive Vice President for 12 years and previously served seven years as Vice President and Director of Professional Development, Research, and External Relations. This award recognizes a champion and advocate from the field who has demonstrated the highest levels of dedication and passion for the hospice and palliative care community and the patients and families that receive care. While some NHPCO awards are presented annually, the Galen Miller Leadership Award is presented on a select basis in recognition of a lasting legacy of leadership and innovation in the field of hospice and palliative care. Rafael Sciullo will be the sixth Galen Miller honoree in the nine years since the creation of the award.


Jon Radulovic
Communications Director
Ph: 571-412-3973