NHPCO Goals of Care Conversations Workshop Handouts
2024 NHPCO Annual Leadership Conference

Saturday, September 14; 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Sunday, September 15; 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

This one-and-a-half-day workshop will provide attendees with knowledge and experience on how to have a goals of care conversation with patients and their families. The morning will include lecture on the goals of care frameworks, decision making capacity, hospice eligibility, and advanced directives to help practitioners have a goals of care conversation. The afternoon will provide a simulation experience, where attendees will have the opportunity to practice their skills through role play. The workshop will conclude with information on how to share the content with their team and scale it to a larger organization. This workshop will be tailored to physicians, advanced practice clinicians, nurses, and nursing leadership. 10.5 hours of continuing education credit will be available for nurses and physicians who attend the full day program. Lunch is included on Saturday, Breakfast and lunch are included on Sunday.

Learning Outcomes:

      • Describe the steps necessary to prepare for GOC conversations and family meetings
      • List potential responses to emotion and strategies to respond to emotions
      • Outline several frameworks to conduct GOC conversations, including delivering bad news, discussing prognosis, and how these approaches may vary based on stage of illness
      • Analyze whether a patient has decisional capacity and list 4 myths related to capacity determination
      • Understand signs and symptoms of moral distress/burnout
      • Expand the ability of participant’s organization to deliver GOC conversations successfully and at scale

Continuing Education:
10.75 hours of continuing education credit will be available for nurses and physicians who attend the entire program. Click here for more information on CE/CME.

Workshop Agenda


      1. Workshop PowerPoint Slides Handout
      2. Empathic Responses Handout *
      3. Delivering Bad News *
      4. TPPC Pocket Card *
      5. Scenario Roles Observer Guide for GOC RPs
      6. REMAP GOC Sample Phrases by Phase *
      7. Conducting a Family Conference *
      8. Additional Resources for Improving GOC Conversational Skills
      9. Goals of Care Conversation Curriculum (GOCCC) Training

*a printed copy will be provided on-site

Optional viewing opportunities: Being Mortal or Extremis.